Ballots are due Today!

Drop yours off at any county ballot drop box before 8:00 p.m.

Together We Will Win!



A strong community stems from a foundation of safety and the knowledge that no harm will come to you, or your family.  A safe city is built and nurtured by all citizens. This includes ensuring safe places to walk, and bike; well-maintained roads that include appropriate traffic-calming tools where needed to reduce excessive speed, and congestion; adequately equipped, and trained first responders; safe spaces for our children, and pets to play; and resources for families, seniors, and those who may be struggling. 

Cottonwood Heights residents have been vocal about their concerns. I will be a representative who listens to the concerns of residents and prioritizes their needs over the needs of developers.

The Gondola

UDOT has released its plans to build a gondola up Little Cottonwood Canyon.  Included in those plans are widening Wasatch Blvd into a high-speed highway, and building a 2500+ space parking structure.  While the gondola will benefit two ski resorts, it's our community that will bear the greatest impact of this project.  Whether this project can be stopped, or scaled back remains to be seen, but there is a lot our elected officials can do to mitigate the impact this project has on our town.  Cottonwood Heights should be a destination, not a pass-through on the way to the ski resorts.


Our city will change whether we like it or not. Developers are interested in coming to our community, building their projects as easily as possible, while maximizing their profits, and leave us with whatever their project turns out to be.  With responsive leadership, we can foster dynamic, and inviting commercial, and residential areas that benefit everyone, preserves our views, and enhances our quality of life.

Other Issues

I am running to serve you.  Only by listening to residents can City Council members address the issues that are important to those who live in our town.  I am dedicated to serving you with integrity, with an emphasis on transparency of process, fiscal responsibility, and maintaining your trust.

Endorsed By

 I am proud to be supported by these people:

Ross Romero

Peter Corroon

Kathleen Riebe

Kathleen Cullison

Donna Murphy

Sharon Meirs

Otto Ahching

Kirk Egan

Austin Luck

Theresa Heinrich

Tiffany Steck

Will Shiflett

Ron McCloud

Jade Velazquez

Torie Okamura

Benny Pellegrino

Dru Tidwell

William Murdock

Geoff Partain

Peter Hildyard

Marie Poulson

Rochelle Kaplan

Philip Philippides

Kay Wankier

La Vonne Maloney

Victoria Hazlett

Alan Anderson

Brad Burningham

Gabe Velazquez

Jennifer Cottam

Jon Lewis-Croft

Judy Wilkerson

Mel Cammans

Nick Wankier

Patricia Street

Friends of Little

Cottonwood Canyon

Equality Utah
Planned Parenthood

of Utah

Let me know what's important to you

Complete the form below to send me a message

Sharon Daurelle

City Council District 2

With the recent tragic accidents on our streets

I implore everyone to drive with hightened

awareness, and concern for pedestrians, and

bikers.  And, please slow down.




My Background

  • Qualifications Highlights:
    • 32+ years Utah Public Safety
    • Administrator of: Adult Probation & Parole, Community Correctional Centers, Treatment Programs, Resource Management
    • Established Utah Dept. of Corrections Victims Services Program
    • Director of Utah's largest domestic violence shelter
    • Managed Utah Attorney General's Trafficking in Persons Task Force
    • Certified in Mediation, De-escalation, and Conflict Resolution
    • Secondary Teaching Certificate
    • Member Medical Litigation Panel
    • Lead Teaching Artist: Movement Disorders for Seniors, Independent Living, Assistant Living, Memory Support Facilities
    • Taught Aqua Fitness, and Dance at Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center for over 10 years
  • My Values:
    • I Believe in Honesty, and Keeping My Word
    • I Believe in being Ethical when working with and for others
    • I Believe in being a Responsible Steward of our city's finances, and living within our means
    • I Believe in treating others Fairly, and with Respect
    • I Believe in the Rights of the individual, and the Responsibility of our community

I am a long time resident of Cottonwood Heights, and I know what a special place this is to call home.  I was approached to run for city council by residents who felt the current council member had become entrenched, and no longer prioritizes the best interests of the residents, or our city, and instead favors developer's projects over the desires of those who live here.  I believe that when your neighbors ask you for help, you don't turn your back, and when they ask you to serve the community, you step up.

My work experience has provided me with a strong foundation for serving on Cottonwood Heights' City Council.  With more than 32 years in public safety, serving the citizens of Utah, and many years volunteering in the community, I'm ready to represent all the people of our town, and will do so with integrity, and transparency.

I retired from a career with the Utah Department of Corrections where I was assigned leadership roles in Adult Probation & Parole, Investigations, Correctional Centers, Treatment Programs, and Resource Management, and I take pride in establishing the Victims Services Unit.  I am credited as having made a significant impact as residential director of Utah's largest domestic violence shelter, and as manager of the Utah Attorney General's human trafficking task force.

Over the course of my career, I have forged strong, and meaningful partnerships with key stakeholders across all levels of government.  My innovative, and forward-thinking approach has enabled me to spearhead cutting-edge project development, while maintaining meticulous oversight to achieve results that benefit all parties.

With unwavering passion, and dedication to service, I remain steadfast in my resolve to foster a better, safer, and more vibrant Cottonwood Heights for the benefit of all residents.

For nearly three decades, I've witnessed Sharon devote her heart, and time to the community.  As a public safety professional, she expertly balanced community safety, victim rights, and justice reform.  She's an active member of her community who welcomes everyone.  Sharon listens, researches the facts, considers all sides, and focuses on long-term, data-informed solutions that benefit all, not just some.

- Liz Sollis

I had the pleasure of working for Sharon Daurelle when I began my Utah law enforcement career in 1992 with the Department of Corrections, Field Operations. As my then-supervisor, Sharon was an example of inspiring leadership and wisdom. On a personal level, I always admired her for demonstrating kindness, empathy, thoughtfulness, intellect, and drive. Sharon is one of the smartest and most compassionate people I know and it is my honor to endorse her for Cottonwood Heights City Council.

- Nick DeLand

My name is Mauricio Escobar, I have known Ms. Sharon Daurelle for over 38 years, she has always been a person of high moral character and integrity; as a fellow Peace Officer for the State of Utah, she served with honor and unselfish dedication to the community and the state.

- Mauricio Escobar

Engaged within the legal committees of the Utah Domestic Violence Advisory Council, Sharon meticulously analyzed proposed legislation, charting the optimal route to empower victims of interpersonal violence.  As a liaison to the Governor's Cabinet Council on DV, she seamlessly collaborated with diverse agencies, to orchestrate a convergence of law enforcement, prosecution, victim advocacy, and the broader spectrum of non-profit and governmental stakeholders.  She executed her tasks precisely, epitomizing honesty, integrity, level-headedness, and an unwavering commitment to tackling challenges head-on.

-Stewart Ralfs

Sharon and I met many years ago while both teaching aqua fitness classes at Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center. For a time, we even shared a class. All the patrons know Sharon, because she engaged with everyone and always had so much energy and used great music in her classes. I love it whenever Sharon visits my class now - she brings so much joy with her.

Over the years, Sharon and I often traveled together with our families and other close friends. We all love Sharon! She is a kind, compassionate, intelligent person. She really cares about our community, and I know she will do her best for all of us in Cottonwood Heights.

- Masuda Medcalf

I have known Sharon for 30+ years as a colleague and friend.  She embraced opportunities to create programs for crime victims, to learn about national best practices and to bring that information back to Utah corrections, law enforcement and social service agencies. Sharon has boundless energy and is open to enjoying diverse experiences and people. She will be an accessible councilwoman. Cottonwood Heights has the chance to elect a very good citizen.

- Deborah Davidson

I want to tell you why you should vote for Sharon Daurelle for City Council. Sharon is smart, hardworking, passionate and doesn’t back down from challenges.

I have known her for over 20 years. I first met Sharon while I was working in the Utah Attorney General’s office and she was working for the Department of Corrections. We worked on legislative issues and public policies to benefit victims and law enforcement as well as community safety.

She is well aware of problems citizens have had in your community as well as all the things Cottonwood Heights has to offer and she is determined to be a voice for you.

She has worked in and retired from law enforcement, and has dealt with people from all walks of life.  She knows the meaning of public service and she intends on serving the public, not using it for personal gain.

When folks question her experience, they don’t know about the skills and management experience she attained from her work on community boards such as UCASA (the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault) and the Utah Domestic Violence Advisory Council. Both of those involved working with local, state and federal agencies as well as non profit entities in productive and positive outcomes.

Collaboration and communication skills are necessary for a city council member and Sharon possesses those. She can lead by example, not by force and intimidation. She has the energy and desire to get involved in her community in this way and you will be well served by her.

As a friend and former colleague, I can wholeheartedly endorse Sharon Daurelle for Cottonwood Heights City Council and urge you to vote for her in the upcoming election.

- Kris Knowlton

I worked with Sharon while employed by the Utah Dept of Corrections, Intensive Supervision Parole unit. Sharon was a pleasure to work with.

Sharon was highly respected by her peers, because she was one of only a few women that supervised some of the most dangerous criminals incarcerated in the State of Utah.

I believe that Sharon is the best candidate for the position she is seeking. I've seen her enthusiasm for what She believes in.

- Susanne Cantrell

My Comments On The Recent Tragedies On Our Roads:

If you've had a chance to peruse the posts on my Facebook page, you'll notice that I've had the privilege of participating in some truly wonderful events. I've been out there, hitting the pavement, engaging in conversations, and making connections. But, you know, there's always that moment when everything suddenly becomes crystal clear – when the fears we have about potential tragedies turn into stark reality and the concerns we've voiced for so long can no longer be ignored.

For the folks here in Cottonwood Heights, the number one concern that keeps them up at night is street safety. It's with a heavy heart that I must acknowledge the recent accidents that have rocked our community. Two young boys left severely injured, and the tragic loss of a 57-year-old man due to traffic incidents – it's truly heartbreaking.

What's equally disheartening is when I come across comments from some supporters of elected officials that seem to trivialize the gravity of the situation. I mean, really, saying things like, "My neighbor has the right idea – he throws rocks at speeders." It's not only demeaning but also utterly ridiculous.

I believe it's time for our city council to step up and take concrete action. We often hear them talk the talk, but it's high time they start walking the walk. It's not a Herculean effort to put up candlesticks or orange barrels in areas where residents have repeatedly pointed out speeding issues. These simple measures can go a long way in curbing reckless driving and ensuring the safety of our neighbors while a long-term solution can be worked out.

I'm committed to the safety of our residents, and I firmly believe that a council member's role goes beyond rhetoric. It's about providing real, tangible solutions for our community's short and long-term challenges. Our residents deserve nothing less, and it's time we prioritize their safety and well-being.